Definició de música

La música és física del so aplicada, operada des de la teoria de la informació. Aquesta informació s'entén com a un conjunt d'elements discrets (sons, afinacions de sons, harmònics, relacions de fase, equalitzacions...) que són percebuts com a estímuls pel nostre cervell, i que en si mateixos estan desposseïts de contingut semàntic. Així, en parlar d'estils musicals crec que és molt més correcte parlar de sistemes, subsistemes o conjunts de sistemes formats per sons discrets, més que de llenguatges. I compondre no és sinó generar noves seqüències d'ones.

diumenge, d’abril 23, 2023

Four final albums, the interview


Here we are, two
journalists of The New York Fines, in front of the home of that entelechy called Patinet. There’s light amid the mist in the early morning, he’s working, but there seem to be some changes…

-What’s happening? You declare yourself a musician no more…

A recording musician, specifically. I’ve grown tired of not being able to sign up for a Catalan recording label, or for a recording label anywhere in the world for that matter. I can’t access to any label outside the Spanish state because in Catalonia they don’t let me sign up, which means I’m totally ignored and I can’t access the media even if I suggest to pay for an interview. The chagrin comes because while they don’t let to sign up anybody with real talent, they crave true disasters thinking they are extremely commercial. Of course, this has to do with execs being there since the Jordi Pujol administration or being younger people that simply copy the big (not great) Catalan labels. I’m disillusioned, so finally I’ve decided to quit. And to quit not only the album making, but Catalonia as an overall political and cultural entity. Catalonia doesn’t exist anymore for me. I enter an inner exile. I don’t mean I will cease to compose completely, but I will not released any new albums I may complete, I will limit myself to write some scores publicly, and basically I become since now an English writer and photographer. I cease to be a Catalan. Don’t ask what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you, and if it can do nothing for you, forget it. And yes, goodbye Barcelona, the Ego City.

-What about Spain?

A shameful, Francoist country that’s entirely artificial and centralist. I don’t want anything to do with it, either. I hope it will disappear very soon. The 1978 Regime is the worst thing in the world, including the Generality of Catalonia. The only things that work in the Spanish state are corruption and the military industry. Just the things that should be banned, but you know, “Spain is different”. And I don’t know of anything more unuseful than Spain’s Unity, it doesn’t solve anything for people in the streets and it creates trouble continuously. We need to put an end to this chaos.

-Bold statements. Do you believe in anything political?

I only believe in trying to block any political system. Because politicians are very bad people. I’ll vote, but not for any sincere belief but to sabotage the system and to try to avoid any political majority. I’m burned out. If anything, I believe in decentralizing and horizontal organization of people. We don’t need politicians. And I refuse any responsibility about what will happen from now on. The system sucks.

-You’re part of the Catalan underground…

I didn’t mean to be part of it when I recorded my first album, but the total rejection from Catalan labels at the time (2005) drove me to know other independent musicians, and the fortunate part of it is that I now know many people which I admire and than are my friends. It’s only that we shouldn’t be the Catalan underground at all. The Catalan underground is made of all good musicians in Catalonia, with very few exceptions. And signed acts in Catalonia are, with those same very few exceptions, rubbish, a national shame we have to bear angrily trough TV3 and the main Catalan radio stations. Yes, they’re the laughing stock of thousands of people, but this doesn’t make the situation less dire. They, labels and signed acts, are killing a culture and a language. I prefer to admit to myself that Catalonia has committed suicide, to wash my hands from it, and to move on. You can call it stigma.

-Where would you want to be instead?

There are two possibilities. One is a Scandinavian country. The other is a North American one. In both places I would belong. Not in Catalonia, nor in the Spanish state. I feel so out of place here, so isolated…

-What could solve this situation in your opinion?

A web page dedicated to concentrate in one convenient place all acts and music from the Catalan underground, so people could access to all of it easily and discover good music. The web page doesn’t even need to store the music itself, having links to places like Bandcamp or Spotify. The key factor, of course, is how to reach the public attention without admitting anybody from the big (not great) labels. Not everybody in the Catalan underground thinks in terms of fighting the big labels, but to me this is the crucial point, because people in those labels’ offices have destroyed and impeded so many important careers, only to torture us musicians and public with pure disasters. And things must change. I myself have decided that the only way for me to return is with a record contract and full promotion, and this won’t come from the garbage labels we have. It’s really sad.

 -Do you have fulfilled any of your life goals?

Not really. Two are near completion when some money arrives, and they are my own studio, which I have almost complete except for a mixing desk and a VCA compressor, and my guitar and bass collection, that was complete in July of 2019 but then they diminished my pension and I had to sell many instruments, which was devastating, and I have almost rebuild my collection except for two guitars that I intend to buy this 2023 at all costs: an Epiphone Wildkat like the one I had to sold regretfully in 2019 and that I miss so, and a Harley Benton HB-35 Black substituting a 335-like guitar which I had to sell also. Then, the goals I’ve missed despite mi will and intent are a home (banks said no, and I’m thinking about how to avoid their norms, I need a home desperately and I’ve tried everything during twenty-two years, to no avail) and a recording contract with a label (with which to secure earnings and access to media, but we live in an ugly place). It’s enough to feel that my life is a complete failure. I feel angry.

-Do you see yourself as a performer?

Not at all. I’ve been twenty years having to play onstage, making a fool of myself and losing so precious time. I’m a composer, a studio composer, and my work is to think and to materialize. I believe in dividing the work, composers not having to be performers and vice versa. In fact, this is my only disagreement with The Beatles: just because they played their own songs onstage doesn’t mean everybody can do it. I can’t, as a musician and as a human being with fractured nerves. One size doesn’t fit all.


-Do you have projects for the future?

Some ones. Of course, writing books in English. And two more photographic books, one of traditional photography in colour, the other made of “antiphotography”, all edited photos full of effects. On the writer side, I plan two books of poetry, different from one another, and a pair of novels, one of them experimental. And, as a fire signal, one easy book on The Beach Boys’ albums, nothing spectacular but it can be done, there are worse books in circulation. Of course, I should return to work on my book on music theory, but I need space, time and calm. Also, my Catalan book “Estàtica” (“Static”) needs to be translated to English. A lot of pending work, really.

-Will you read again?

Yes, I plan to begin next summer. I’ve lost so much time on stages and rehearsal rooms that I don’t know where to start with my book collection. The ones I’ll read for sure will be by Joan Fuster, Mercè Rodoreda, Sílvia Alcàntara and Manuel de Pedrolo. And by poets like Pep Cortès and Joan Vinyoli. And more essays by Umberto Eco. I also debt myself reading “I promessi sposi” di Alessandro Manzoni. Trying to make up for lost time.

-Any thoughts on writing?

There’s a technique you can learn if you want to write. After you learn it, the secret is writing, writing, writing! Of course, I’m grateful to all my comrades in the literary group Un Munt de Mots (“a lot of words”). And I recommend a key book to learn: “How Not to Write a Novel”, by Sandra Newman and Howard Mittelmark. One last observation: avoid memes and avoid trying to write like memes, specially when writing poetry. You can’t imagine how many people are writing poetry books that read like memes, samey and terribly boring. Individuality is the key, and I achieve it trying to use all writing methods available.

-And on Photography?

Once you know how a camera works and which effects it allows you to use, the important factor is learning to look. And a good way to learn is trying to make the pictures in the camera itself. I mean, nowadays we have computers and software and we can experiment a lot with pictures. But being able to take good and interesting photos by themselves is the key. And people will know. Of course, I don’t think I’m the best photographer in Terrassa. But I’m definitely a photographer. And I have enough work done already.

-What do you think is your best album?

“Suburbia”, from last december. It changed my style and it flowed as a recording process. Things have been rougher into 2023. At least “Suburbia” can be an album for clubs, and it pays homage to the excellent “Kid A” Radiohead album. A way to enter the XXI century at last.

-And your worst?

I don’t have a clear answer, but I’ll choose three candidates. “1964” is a brave album where I learned the Wall of Sound technique the rough way, and it shows with some unevenness and with EQ issues, and even the best song on it, “Pripiat”, is second rate Igor Stravinsky. “Pentimenti” is a good album which nonetheless contains many re-recordings of earlier material that I didn’t have in my Spotify page, so it was a move to complete and refine my own catalog. And “Astrosurfing” was an album composed while I was meeting many distractions and I didn’t have the energy to complete “Suburbia”, so it’s a good album but not a spectacular one, and it’s pretty conservative for my standards.

-Why re-recording “Hymns” in 2022?

Because earlier versions of the album dissatisfied me, with spelling issues and a slightly thin sound. All of this caused because those early versions were a document of a piece intended for a concert that never happened. Once I realized this flaw, I re-recorded and produced, making a pure studio album in the process. And goodbye concerts. I’m not a Christian, but the notion of someone writing music for a very different public than him is a valid one, and as a choir singer I’ve sung so much Christian music that for me Christian people and music are not a problem. Tolerance is the key.

-What do you think of your first album, with eighteen-year insight?

It has lost some ressonance for me. I think I’ve been doing better in 2020-2022. This doesn’t mean I hate it, of course, except for some vocals and the lyrics for “Marcianitos”. In 2018-2019 I thought briefly of re-recording those vocals and to change that lyrics, but it involved disassembling the album so much, that I found it daunting and I decided to forget about it. It’s a classic, warts and all, and it’s important because I managed to record a professional album with low budget means and slow, hard work. I learned my craft there. But record labels missed their opportunity in 2005, and it meant devastating news for me. I’ve been unable to change fortunes since then, even with later songs like “Automatic Day”, “Amsterdam”, “Hotel Renaissance” or “CBGB”. People like my music, except label execs specifically. It’s a paradox, and a curse, that has haunted me all of my adult life. I feel abandoned.

-And what about your early, little known works?

The minimalist ones were a waste of time, but I needed to hear more music and to learn many things I didn’t know if I wanted to do better. In fact, the only playable piece from this period that has found its way to one of my albums is the “2000 Mosquitos”. And on “The 1992 Tapes”, I don’t present them as masterpieces exactly, but they were important for me because it was the first time I made something not mathematical, and it had a raw energy to them, so they made me think “there’s something here that wasn’t there in my mathematical music”. In less than 18 months I was recording the first cassette demos for my first album, so “The 1992 Tapes” are important, if not popular. Analog is its own thing, really.

-What is your definitive audio equipment?

The IGS Audio Tubecore 3U vari-mu compressor. I need to change tubes in it, and I dream of putting there 6386 tubes like the ones in the Fairchild 670. My three favorite synths are the Yamaha MODX6 (with DX7 capabilities like those in my venerable DX7 unit), the Roland Integra-7 and the Roland D-05 (effectively a D-50 in a box). I need to check if my venerable Korg 05R/W still works.

-Finally, let’s talk about these four albums. “Matinada”?

The title means “Early Morning”. This album is kind of a “Sgt. Pepper” to me, although it’s in my usual style and this can be a drawback for some. It was to be sung, in Catalan, until I realized that it would never be released by a Catalan record label, so I decided to complete it as an instrumental record. And it’s much better this way. The last masterpiece, which will remain obscure and forgotten but that I’ve released on my own, at least. And I hope it will be discovered in Great Britain and the USA someday. Really, all my work was meant for them.

-”Around The Fun”?

The lesser of my final four albums, it’s rock made with synths, with a slight Black Sabbath influence in a couple of songs. I think my reach exceeded my grasp on this one, but I was trying to do something different. At least there is “Around the Fun”, the song, which is my last great single, with a video to match on Youtube. Of course, the narrative would be incomplete if I didn’t mention the parody: the album title and the songs’ titles are parodies of the ones in the “Around the Sun” album by R.E.M. Me having some fun, but at the same time this is a way to acknowledge the influence the “wilderness trilogy” has had on me. I listen a lot to those three albums and I’ve grown to love them, so I present my tribute. I planned to parody the cover design also, but I didn’t have the rights to Mort & Phil, and without them my design appeared weak, so I ended substituting a picture by myself of a fountain in Berlin, a very 1970 kind of cover.

-”Shut Down, Vol. 3”?

It was basically recorded between 2020 and 2021, but it lacked some final touches, which had to wait to April of 2023. I planned to sing on it, but I realized I didn’t know what to sing and how, so the album has become instrumental at the eleventh hour. I even recorded absurd speeches when traveling through Barcelona by bus on November 27th, 2022, but the only part I’ve used is a pair of segments of background noises made to sound like a binaural ambient transition. On the album, it was planned as a kind of “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” (the famous masterpiece by Wilco). The end result is a mess, a derailed record, but this isn’t strange, as my method was to sabotage my own demos and my own recordings as a radical way to rethink me as a composer. And at least the end result has some real energy to it. A near-masterpiece? I’m not sure. The cover photo was taken also in Berlin. And the title has to do with the convoluted story of the “Shut Down, Vol. 2” album by The Beach Boys and the remark by Carl Wilson that for a time they didn’t know how to name “Pet Sounds” because it couldn’t be called “Shut Down, Vol. 3”.


It’s Sinatra without Sinatra, and without my voice which is much inferior than that of Frank Sinatra, who was the greatest singer ever IMO. It’s a direct response to albums like “Where Are You?” or “Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely”, only instrumental. I thought of singing on it, and I didn’t want to sing about romantic disappointment, so I wrote lyrics about a prisoner. I’ve just released them as a standalone electronic book, “The Time Which Is Passing”, and I consider album and book separate works, but it’s true that they are connected, historically at least. On the album, it’s the only emotional album I’ve ever made, a really depressing one, pure 2019, and I admit not being able to discern if it’s a near-masterpiece or complete junk. It’s unfinished, that’s for sure, and I wouldn’t finish it anyway, I’ve come to hate my voice and singing. At least “Jazz” it’s a fitting way to end my recording career. In fact, it can work as a Requiem for myself as a musician. And I’m proud of the cover design, by myself.

And so, we journalists of The New York Fines return to our office. A dense night for sure. We leave you with the four albums’ links for you to enjoy:

dijous, d’abril 20, 2023

Els darrers quatre àlbums


He acabat el "Shut Down" i he penjat els quatre àlbums i els quatre vídeos. Avui és el meu darrer dia com a artista públic. Si gravaré més? Pot ser, però no ho publicaré. Partitures? En faré algunes però no m'imagino que trobin editor. Sobretot escriuré i fotografiaré. I escriuré en anglès, doncs a Catalunya és impossible fer-hi res i per tant deixa de tenir sentit escriure en català. Això sí, m'he de callar la meva opinió sobre els despatxos perquè em passaria trenta anys a la presó. Només diré que penso estar viu el dia que tanquin, i celebrar-ho. Per demés, passo a l'exili interior i deixo de ser català per a passar a ser apàtrida. No té sentit recolzar un país tan mediocre i carca. Així que avui, 21 d'abril de 2023, dic adéu a Catalunya.


Els darrers quatre:


La darrera obra mestra, on ho he abocat tot i que anava a ser cantada en català. Un "Sgt. Pepper" català que no ha anat enlloc.

-Around The Fun

Rock amb sintetitzadors. Començo a descarrilar, però el tema titular és bo i el meu darrer gran "single", amb un bon vídeo. Els títols parodien un àlbum de R.E.M., i és una manera de reconèixer la influència de la seva "trilogia maleïda", que escolto molt.

-Shut Down, Vol. 3

Descarrilo del tot, però almenys és un intent de fer un "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" català. Un àlbum de guerra.


El darrer disc, que anava a ser cantat i que presento inacabat. Sinatra sense Sinatra, i una manera adequada d'acabar la meva carrera amb mal karma. Pur 2019. I pur abril de 2023. I ja està.


Queda una "cara A" de set temes que no publicaré per no prou bons, i cinc temes inacabats que no anaven enlloc. Ho guardaré a la carpeta, i m'oblidaré de tot. El "Side 1 Stereo", el disc que ja no serà. No val la pena escarrassar-s'hi. Ha arribat el moment del silenci.

Gràcies als Visitants, a To Be Continued, als germans Machado, a en Maurici Ribera, a en Benjamí de Granollers, a la Marie del Grup Minerva i a la María Luisa. He conegut a bons companys de viatge. Només que era un viatge cap enlloc. Tinc la sensació d'haver fracassat... o que m'han fet fracassar.

Tot s'ha acabat.


Començo a escriure, doncs. Les lletres que tenia preparades miraré de convertir-les en poemes,. I poemes bons, en anglès. I escriuré narrativa en anglès, cercant un públic. I fotografiaré. Vull acabar almenys un altre llibre de fotografia. I llavors fer un llibre d'antifotografia, tot editatge. I llegir, que ja em toca. I batallar-me una casa, on em tancaré per a no sortir-ne més excepte per a anar a supermercats i bars d'entrepans. Segurament perquè ja no seré a Terrassa. Estic en un país tan estrany, tan mediocre, tan disfuncional...

dimecres, d’abril 19, 2023

Final d'etapa


(Matinada de l’11 d’abril)

He posat a la carpeta de «Side 1 Stereo» totes les cançons òrfenes. Duren un total de 43 minuts llargs. 10 cançons. I, excepte per un desastre jazzístic, s’aguanten molt millor del que m’esperava. Això sí, no publicaria res tal com està ara. Però ja és alguna cosa que existeixi l’embrió d’un possible àlbum instrumental a treballar. Aquests dies de pausa m’han anat bé. (En una subcarpeta hi tinc unes demos inacabades per si falla la inspiració. Tinc plans B.)

(Matí del 13 d’abril)

Tinc acabades sis de les deu cançons del «Side 1 Stereo», i dues més poden existir en forma de multipistes inacabats. Unes altres dues existeixen com a maquetes, però le he de regravar des de zero (i una d’elles, la «jazz», l’he de recompondre). Igualment, sona a que serà un intent d’àlbum. No acabo de dur-lo a on vull. Pel que, quan l’acabi, puc haver-lo de deixar reposar una temporada, a veure si descansant li arribo a trobar la solució. Però almenys em permetré d’enviar aquesta etapa intermèdia als amics per a què hi fiquin cullerada. No se sap d’on pot sortir la solució.

Mentre, he de regravar «Between the Buttons» de l’«Around The Fun», doncs sona una mica menor.

(Matinada de divendres 14)

Matinada de gravació i presa de decisions. Tinc sis cançons del «Side 1 Stereo» a punt. Me’n falten quatre, però que estan en el camí. He descartat dues cançons que no quallaven i n’he creat dues a partir d’idees en demo. Una és el «single». No serà un àlbum revolucionari, però començo a trobar-li un camí. I alguns sons interessants per a condimentar la meva zona de confort.

(Matinada del diumenge 16)

En no trobar solució a «Between the Buttons» de l’«Around The Fun», l’he substituïda. Una cançó totalment diferent i amb molta marxa. L’antiga la deixo de reserva per a un altre àlbum. He experimentat amb l’ordre de cançons, doncs volia posar la nova al final. I ara ja l’he acabat de debò. L’operació «Busco Feina» comença a ser possible.

He acabat fent un parell d’experiments amb «Have You Ever Been a Brain?» del «Side 1 Stereo». És un àlbum que he d’unificar i dur a un nivell bo. Hi ha cançons bones i cançons dejà vu, no sé si m’explico.

He acabat la matinada repassant les lletres del «Matinada» i fent un parell de substitucions. I fent vídeos per a «El cuerpo vibrátil de la ceniza» (algú a Youtube m’ho ha demanat) i «Around the Fun» (el tema nou).

(matinada de dilluns 17)

Ara mateix tot és un aiguabarreig que he començat a resoldre partint el «Side 1 Stereo» en dos projectes. El «Side 1 Stereo» és ara mateix una digna cara A d’LP amb set cançons just per sota dels vint minuts, en el meu estil de sempre però amb algun experiment. Mentre, en una altra carpeta hi ha dues cançons bones, una a treballar i una descartada de l’«Around The Fun», en un estil més radical. I sobren dues cançons que de moment no quallen. En tot cas, moment de parar i gravar veus. Almenys l’«Around The Fun» és prou bo, ja que no dels meus millors.

(Matinada de dimecres 19)

La matinada passada i aquesta he escrit a discogràfiques i a on sabia. Tinc una molt bona cançó en «Around the Fun» amb un bon vídeo. De moment ja tinc una negativa i no tinc gens clar que pugui trencar aquesta maleïda dinàmica que la meva música agradi a tothom excepte precisament als directius de discogràfica... del Principat. Així que he fet el pas de buscar discogràfiques a Perpinyà (me n’han sortit tres) i he escrit a totes. Exacte, buscar a fora dels tentacles de la mediocritat. No tinc l’èxit garantit, però almenys tinc respecte per tot allò que no estigui hipotecat pel desastrós clima cultural del Principat i demés. Tinc dret a buscar noves pastures.

(Matinada de dijous 20)

Em toca esperar uns dies, però ja he decidit que tant el «Matinada» com el «Shut Down» seran instrumentals. No ha respost ningú més, i jo ja he decidit que no soc català (ni espanyol) sinó apàtrida. No em vull embrutar les mans amb un país intel·lectualment esgotat i incapaç de donar una sola oportunitat a qui tant podria fer per ell. Doncs ara no em dóna la gana. I, per cert, Visca Barcelona Independent.

(A les 7:15 del 20)

He acabat el «Matinada» com a instrumental. Ja reaprofitaré les lletres com a text.

«La darrera obra mestra, el disc que demostra totes les possibilitats perdudes i on ho he donat tot. Deixo de ser català per a passar a ser apàtrida en un exili interior. El meu país no em mereix. On no n'hi ha, no n'hi ha. I jo sé que hi ha un altre lloc esperant-me. Un lloc molt gran.»

Queda el «Shut Down» per acabar, poc cerimoniosament. I uns pocs temes sobrants no molt viables. Passaré a escriure unes poques partitures, i després, el silenci.


Tinc interès en el compressor Warm Audio Bus-Comp, un clon del SSL Bus-Comp, però és molt car per a la meva butxaca. He estat mirant com substituir-lo per un de més econòmic però digne, i no me n’he acabat de sortir. Alternatives no tan bones: un parell de Presonus Studio Channel (inclou un compressor VCA i té certa bona premsa, amb dos no estalviaria molt però almenys no seria tot de cop), un DBX 266 (compressor molt econòmic amb so DBX però que dubto que soni gaire professional, hi ha també canal DBX 166 amb tot per a gravar, excepte entrada d’instrument) i ART SCL2 (barat, però de més categoria que el DBX). No sé si em val la pena. De moment intentaré assegurar una Harley Benton HB-35 BK, una Epiphone Wildkat i una taula de mescles decent. I a partir d’aquí, coses petites i unes vàlvules 6386 pel Tubecore. Em venc dos aparells que ja no necessito, ara falta que algú els compri. I certs discos segueixen a la botiga. Intento que la fundació em passi uns mínims diners de butxaca per a anar fent amb lentitud.


Dimarts 18 al matí vaig guanyar el Paraules i Roses del Club Social Egara, en el marc de la sala d’actes de la Biblioteca Central de Terrassa. Gràcies infinites. El premi, un val per llibres a bescanviar a la Llibreria Synusia. A veure quan hi puc anar, tinc problemes amb el son.

dilluns, d’abril 10, 2023

Fall on Windows Me


(Matinada del diumenge 2 d’abril)

Tinc totes les lletres pel «Matinada» i pel «Shut Down» (les del «Jazz» fa temps que les tinc fetes). Serà una setmana Santa de gravar veus. No sé fins on arribaré. I dilluns em serà una mica d’obstacle. Sobre les lletres ara acabades, s’aguanten amb xinxetes, i espero no haver d’escriure lletres mai més, almenys pels meus discos. En tot cas, les del «Shut Down» corresponen al volum de poesia que tenia fet i que no em convencia. Aniran bé per a un disc que és d’autosabotatge.

I, si no puc cantar per son girat, em queda per a fer la segona part del «Suburbia», que de moment només consisteix en una sola idea apuntada. No deixa de ser un pla B. Mentre, «Side 1 Stereo» és ara mateix tres cançons sobrants del «Matinada», prou bones però que no superen res del disc mare i que ara mateix son «All Together Now» per a mi: matar l’aranya.

Cert que quan acabi tot això necessitaré fer un àlbum més per a tenir quaranta àlbums. Ni idea de què fer. Hi haurà temps per a pensar-ho.

I llavors publicaré allò que no tingui futur en una discogràfica, i reservaré allò que es pugui vendre.

Una lletra que m’agrada no l’he poguda emprar per massa llarga. La faré servir per a una composició clàssica en partitura. També faré unes peces curtes per a veu i piano sobre poemes d’una altra persona de la ciutat. I unes peces per a un senyor de Sueca, que les hi vull fer ben fetes.

(Dilluns 3 d’abril, tarda)

La carpeta «Side 1 Stereo» és ara mateix un receptacle d’allò que sobra. Incloent una cosa rítmica que he gravat aquesta matinada passada i que necessita d’una cantant, que no tinc.

Pensant en com comprar una taula de mescles digna.


(Matinada de dimecres 5)

He estat muntant llibres de fotografia. No en tinc cap de complet. Passar l’estona. No tenia ganes de cantar, avui. Almenys ja tinc el micro connectat i a punt.

El «Side 1 Stereo» és ara mateix un receptacle de vuit cançons, de les quals només tres tenen relació entre elles. Exacte: sobrants. De manera que tinc en realitat un àlbum complet i tres més a ser cantats.

És cert que he estat pencant molt, patint una mica per a obtenir resultats. Encara em falta cantar tres àlbums. Dubtant de si ho puc fer de nit, veig que de dia estic aturat (o directament dormint).

Tinc massa feina pendent.


He reduït a dotze les cançons del meu recopilatori «Enya at her Best». Funciona molt bé. Son molt bons temes, la felicito. I diria que jo seria molt bo muntant aquest tipus de recopilacions per a una discogràfica. Una altra cosa és si alguna vegada estaré en la posició per a fer-ho.


Diria que, de memòria i amb només dos operadors FM, he recreat el so 40 del Yamaha PSR-6 que va ser el meu primer sintetitzador i del que ja en vaig recrear força sons al meu DX7. El so 40 (violins) és superbàsic i molt 1988, però ara que el podré controlar via MIDI, miraré de fer-ne alguna cosa. Reconec que m’hauria agradat que algú posés un banc de «patches» del PSR-6 en alguna banda d’internet. No n’he sabut trobar cap.

(Una matinada després)

Excepte pel so 86 que no sé com recrear, tinc creats i junts tots els sons usables del PSR-6, que ara viu dins del MODX6. Nostàlgia total...


Dissabte 8, tres exposicions en una tarda, totes tres bones. La més important, la del Suri. Necessitem més gent com ell. Una tarda de retrobar-me amb antics amics i de conèixer gent nova. I una tarda d’art. Del bo.


He decidit que no tinc les lletres del «Matinada» a punt. Trauré les que treguin temes policials, tinc ganes de fer les paus amb aquest àmbit. A més, reconec que no totes les lletres restants son prou bones. Prefereixo trigar dues setmanes més i obtenir un disc com cal. No deixa de ser «Busco Feina» i ho he de fer bé. Les lletres del «Shut Down» sí que les deixo estar. I les del «Jazz». Massa feina al micròfon, de totes maneres.

Mentre, tinc una èpica instrumental de vuit minuts que a la fi és una peça veritable i acabada del «Side 1 Stereo». També tinc una segona cançó gravada, però aquesta darrera s’ha d’escurçar i replantejar. Mentre, les restes son a una carpeta de «cançons tontes»: tres sobrants del «Matinada», una base que podria generar un disc tipus disco, i llavors desferres i romanents.


Sí que hauré de plantejar a la fundació de tenir algun diner a la butxaca, encara que sigui poc. No deixo de tenir despeses pendents que he de resoldre. Ara mateix, uns discos a la botiga i una taula de mescles que no sigui un desastre. També em vendré dues coses amb la intenció de pagar-me una de dues guitarres que em queden pendents. Encara que de moment no la pugui tocar.