Podeu sentir-lo aquí:

Una altra cosa és qui és la veu. Per imperatiu legal, he de
mantenir silenci. Les meves disculpes per no poder ser sincer, ni que
sigui per una sola vegada. I ho hem d'enterrar aquí.
Lluís Paloma, "Patinet"
Biedroneczki estan en punts (Biedroneczki are in points)
2. Incorporated Oming
3. Worth Branch Ranch
4. Cheap Chip
5. I'm a Windowpane
6. Freedom in Your Army
7. The Twelve to Departure
8. White Bear Flake
9. Maple Pups
10. North Faint Gaul
11. I'm Raining Normally
12. Soothing as a Bone
13. Two Shoes in Shoreview
14. Lit The Fine With Ink
Composed, recorded and produced by Lluís Paloma, "Patinet",
at the Unitat Mòbil in Terrassa, Catalonia, between May and June of
A 100% MIDI programmed record. A catalan independent album. This
music will miss forever the voice who didn't answer.
The catalan independent musician refuses to be forgotten.
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